Stand Up Now Apparel is honored to announce this amazing collaboration with American Woman Beauty and there newest Apparel line FREE WOMEN Co. 

This line was created as a way to help inspire women to be their most fearless self.  With cancel culture playing such a large part in today’s society, it is important to remember that we must always stay true to who we are.

NO MATTER WHAT….Ignore the noise….. Keep moving forward & BE BOLD

To learn more about American Woman Beauty click here.

Free Women Co. is a part of the Free Woman Network.

  • A Free Woman thinks for HERSELF. 
  • SHE never puts limitations on what she can achieve in life. 
  • SHE understands the greatness that she was created to achieve and will never settle for less than that. 
  • A Free Woman has come to the realization that it is their personal duty to obtain true FREEDOM. FREEDOM from self, FREEDOM from government, physical FREEDOM, and financial FREEDOM.
  • SHE determines the end result.Â